Wednesday, September 28, 2005

October Parties and Bulgarian

I'm pretty excited about October! So much is going to be happening! YESSSSSSSSSS!!! First of all, I'm turning 19, which will be nice. My last "teen" year! YEEHAW! Secondly, I'm moving out of the dorms and into an apartment with my sister and our friend Melissa. We're all pretty excited about that. Melissa is awesome! She would so match in our family. She's basically our sister from another mister. We've got a party planned for when I move in, or the weekend after really. A bunch of my friends from the dorm are coming and we're going to have a girl's night! We're going to carve pumpkins (I found the PERFECT jack-o-lantern pumpkin the other, I hope it's still there when I get back to town!) and toast seeds, and watch a movie, and eat, and talk, and eat, and hang out, and eat, etc etc. So, yeah, I'm pretty pumped!

Well, other than that there's really not too much to talk about. Oh! I'm learning Bulgarian! Listen to this! (or read it rather): Kak ci? = How are you?
Dobre; ti kak ci? = Good; and you?
Dobresom, nosom umorena. = I'm good, but tired.

(This was a conversation between me and Pepi, the bar manager and a great friend of mine.) I know more, but this was an actual conversation that took place today and right now I'm too tired to bother thinking up anything else!


a man from Saipan said...

I have a Bulgarian friend. She is pretty cool, pretty, and older than me.

andalucy said...

"Sister from another mister?" That's so funny! (And I'm sure your mom won't be too offended...) Where did you hear that phrase?

Anonymous said...

Sister from another mister started in Saipan when I called a good friend of mine, VJ, my Brother from Another Mother and he replied "My Sister from Another Mister." I thought it was BRILLIANT!!!!

andalucy said...

I tagged you on my blog!

kyledawn said...

hey mal! guess who's in princeton with me ... pepi and petya!!! yay! are you jealous? hehe! guess what else ... sarah and i bought our plane tickets to bulgaria. i'm so excited! love you honey! hope to hear from you soon!

Anonymous said...

sorry! i totally forgot your happy birhtday late one
this is erwina zachrias from saipan.