Thursday, February 08, 2007

Noble People Keep Their Word

In chapter 1 of Helaman, verse 33, comes one of my favorite examples of the Godly attribute of covenants. It says, "And it came to pass that Moronihah took possession of the city of Zarahemla again, and cuase that the Lamanites who had been taken prisoners should depart out of the land in peace." This is taking place right after the Lamanites had attacked and destroyed many Nephite homes, in multiple cities. I thought to myself, why would anyone take compassion on the Lamanite prisoners? Why not just keep them there, and then they would have that many fewer people to put on their armies. I decided to look at the crossreference to Alma 44:15 and find out. I remembered that the Lamanites and Nephites had entered into a covenent with one another not to attack the other ever again. However, wouldn't the Lamanites breaking that covenent break it on behalf of the Nephites too? (I scratch your back, you scratch mine type of deal.) It was then that I realized the nobility that Moronihah has by keeping his side of the covenent.

I have always felt that keeping a promise - no matter how casually made - is a God-like attribute. God is always keeping His side of the bargain, even when we screw up, over and over and over again. You word should be a serious thing. People should be able to trust you at no more than that.

Taken from my most recent journal entry for my Book of Mormon 122 class.


ML said...

Thanks for that Mal. I love reading other people's insights--I learn so much.

Anonymous said...

A great thing to remember. I think that in our culture we tend to not keep our word so much. We might say that we will do something, then simply choose not to because there is something more fun to do.

Anonymous said...

I agree. The spoken word has not only become more mean in vocabulary and sound, but it has also been badly abused in terms of the average person's ability to keep it. As far as I can tell, the breaking of promises has become a world-wide epidemic. That's including everyone I've met anywhere I've ever lived. Whether they be Mormon or Buddist, whether they be of European decent or Asian, it seems to be everywhere.