Saturday, September 03, 2005

Good Bye to the Early Leavers

This is a blog to those people that are leaving over the next couple of weeks. On Sunday my Good Friend Colin leaves and my Good Friends Eugene and Joel leave on Tuesday. After that it'll be a few days, but others will be leaving as well. This is just an entry saying I'm really going to miss all of you. Colin, you're such a cool guy... you know this already because we've all told you. Thanks for crashing in on our girl's night. (Thank you more for helping us set up Ron's T.V. in my common area.) Eugene, I know that you're really looking forward to going home to Ghana. I'm glad that you finally get to go. It's been great! Joel Dodson, or Doel Jodson (and sometimes "DOLT!") it's been fun and crazy! No running in the hallways anymore and waking Maisie up. No more fixing your collar to make sure you're at least presentable at work. And no more headlocks... wait, is this a sad thing?

Anyway, it's been so fun getting to know you three. Keep in touch!

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